The numbers game!
Two months already? Thank you!
Yes, you! All you kind folk - who’ve supported and shared and left humbling reviews of what we do and how we do it - have helped make the first two months of IDEAlee a roaring success.
We’ve worked alongside some extremely talented and inspirational people, adding value to their own plans using our expertise and skills. Seeing those ideas come to life is massively rewarding!
We’ve taken 8,973 photographs, received 938 emails (not all of them spam!), had 169 likes on our Facebook page, created 43 pages of Logo designs, I’ve personally destroyed 4 fine liners from overuse (don’t worry new ones arrived today!), I’ve had 1 puncture, I spent yesterday laying in a field of 1 million turkey poops, and so far we've not done a single day of 9-5 - long may it continue!
While I’m on a number themed vibe don’t forget that we’re still offering a £25 Amazon voucher when you make a referral (details on our Facebook pinned post).
If you're not sure whether IDEAlee can help you with your big idea then drop us a line we’d love to hear from you or click here to see how we can help individuals, small businesses and large companies.
Anyway must dash - we’ve just been asked to design a mural for a Children's minibus and we also need to finalise plans for a comedy quiz event we’re sponsoring and photographing next week!
Have a great weekend everyone and thank you again.
Here’s a snapshot of a few of the projects we've been working on:-
#thanks #IDEAlee #Ideas #design #photography #marketing #family #leaflet #flyer #sponsorship #charity #turkey #facebook #children #referrals #Amazonvoucher #Logo #branding #brand #rebrand #promotion #crawley #sussex #surrey #kent #london #gatwick #training #coaching #tuition #quiz #comedy #lightpainting #longexposure #MurRun #SurreyNewMini