IDEAlee is IDEAtastic!
I’m overwhelmed if I’m honest. We’ve only been officially open for 4 weeks, with just 2 short weeks since the birthday launch, and our feet haven’t touched the ground! I’m not complaining, far from it - we’ve had so much support, encouragement and many good wishes, it’s been fantastic!
We thought it might be good to give you a glimpse of what we’ve been up to at IDEAlee HQ!
What a way to start a new company, photographing a beautiful wedding – Congratulations again Mr & Mrs Harris! We were so pleased that they loved their images and we’re now looking forward to preparing some albums together for them to treasure their memories.

Between the daily surge of cold calls we get ranging from ‘Would you like to advertise with us?’ and ‘I’m sure we can beat your current energy provider’, we’ve been excitedly creating an identity, brand and logo for a new startup business - more on that soon once they’ve had their launch!
We helped out another new but much more local business, Victoria Jane Hair, regarding their marketing strategy and have also taken some product & model shots. They left us a glowing review too!
We are also having very interesting discussions with 3 organisations with a view to working with them all on branding and identity creation or rebranding, ideation, photography and a host of marketing solutions. We can’t wait to dot some i’s and cross some t’s to get started on these in the coming weeks too.
We’ve also been furiously adding IDEAlee to directories, Tweeting, Google +’ing, Linked In’ing, Facebook’ing and getting us on google maps, all the wonderful sharing and engagement you have been assisting us with is fantastic and we’d be thrilled if you continue to do so!
Although things are busy for us at the moment, please don’t forget our referral scheme for 2016* as we are keen to be able to thank you all for your support if you do so.
In among all of this we were thrilled and humbled to receive a wonderful testimonial from Hayley Parsons OBE and Founder of which you can see here!testamonials/ahss6!
Enjoy your bank holiday weekend – same blog time, same blog channel next week!
* Anyone you refer should quote FF16 and your name when they initially contact us (or you yourself commission some work) and if they settle their invoice/s in 2016, a maximum of 28 days after they are issued and have an invoice value of over £200, you will receive a £25 Amazon voucher! Remember, there's no upper limit on these vouchers, the more clients you refer the more Amazon vouchers you get.